Good Riddance, January.
January suuuucked.
--I don't get to officially hear anything about the new job until March, which seems a lot closer now than it did on the first of January. But still.
--I ended a very long relationship. It's taken all my strength to get out of bed each day, let alone function and try to be cheery and helpful to people whose problems are really the least of my concerns because, well, they're not mine.
--Charlie made the first two weeks of the month a little rocky. I'm out an iron, but the couch has been salvaged. Regardless, I miss that little bastard.
--It finally got really damn cold but snow has yet to appear. I like snow. A lot. If it's cold, I need a little snow in my life. That has yet to happen. Haaaate.
--Cooking doesn't even interest me right now. Eating hasn't even really interested me, which is just...weird. But it gets in the way of going home and climbing straight into my bed during my lunch break, which has become a must.
--But I'm too poor for even quick take-out, due to all the Sundays of football ruining restaurant business.
--I super do NOT like being poor. It's not something I'm used to and it's really not a relationship I'd like to continue, this one between me and my empty bank account.
--Which means I've been picking up waitressing shifts on days that are not Sundays. Meaning I've been working seven-day weeks since Christmas.
--Did I mention that getting out of bed has been hard? So doing that every single freaking day for a month has kind of taken its toll.
--My burn scar is UG.LY. I always see people looking at it. YES I'M A KLUTZ. I KNOW. STOP STARING. I BURNED MYSELF. STOP. LOOKING.
--I gave myself food poisoning. Because I'm a moron and ate food after my fridge didn't close all the way.
Good things? Yes, there are some.
--I have an extraordinarly supportive group of friends. And my family is very amazing as well.
--H has a new class schedule, so she's with me more at work. I need someone to be there while I deal with the Crazies. (Crazys? It's not a noun either way, but it's become one for me.)
--My TV shows are back.
--Lin is the happiest and healthiest 14-year-old kitty EVER.
--I still have the energy to make guacamole. When I stop caring about guac, we really will have a problem.
--I love Boston.
So long, January. You sucked.
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