So Many Glorious Events.

Let's sister got to meet BL. That was so fabbity-fabulous. BL has now met my mother and my sister and has LOADS to ask about my family. "How are you all tall? How are you all skinny? You look like your mother. Does your sister look like your father? Your sister is very pretty but she's not YOU."
I don't know how on earth BL thinks I'm pretty when half the time I'm rolling my eyes at her and the other half I'm giving her the "what the HELL are you smoking??" look. Especially because my sister says that look makes her want to slap me in the face. So it must be pretty ugly.
(And, actually, the correct answer to "what are you smoking?" would be: The Bible. Cause she rolls cigarettes from the pages. Who knows what's in that ink?)
She also was kind enough to show my sister how she lines her feet and legs with pages of the Bible, since the Devil enters through one's feet. Bea really got the full dose of BL. So much fun.

Let's see. Jerk-face from the other day was back (see Incompetence entry). He felt the need to butt into two different conversations that H was having with other customers. Mind your own business.

I trained a new person on my floor today, and as I was doing it, and explaining what goes on and what I expect and what I do, blah blah, I kind of, um, had fun. It was really interesting to actually present this as a job that involves work and planning rather then..."So you stand here and just ring up people and look up books for them. Just stay here. Don't think."

Mondays are now glorious because Han and I get the whole day together. And that? Birdie heaven.

And we love the BIRDIES.

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