The first floor escalator conked out Saturday. Like, while C was standing on it. A huge piece bent, the metal kind of collapsed, AND WHY AREN'T MORE PEOPLE AFRAID OF THESE STRANGE MOVING STAIRS?
Which means...Otis. Oh, it's been a long, cold winter without our daily Otis dose. Otis, of course, being the company that makes (and thus fixes) elevators and escalators.
[Quick side note: The show "Prison Break" used Otis as a clue, as in, "Get in the building and look for Otis." Meaning the company sign posted by the elevator, not a man of that name. Tricky, huh? But the whole time the kid is trying to figure this out, I'm like, "THERE MUST BE AN ESCALATOR" and then would turn and tap Lin and say, "I totally know those guys. The Otis guys. I know them" because she obviously cares. But the story gets even more embarrasing because I THEN felt the need to tell the Otis men that they'd basically been on "Prison Break." When really? They hadn't. Their company had been mentioned via elevator plaque, which is like seeing some books on TV and saying I put them there. Cause I sell them. Maybe to props people!
Oh whatever, Otis totally loves me.]
ANYWAY, I was greeted on this lonely Monday morning by the two adorable faces of our Otis men. Since I hadn't known the escalator was broken, this was quite the treat.
There is one small, tiny, might-make-H-into-an-alkie detail that comes with Otis: people can't actually get upstairs by escalator. The stairs? They are open. The elevator? It is right there. But God forbid people should have to climb a flight of stairs OR wait for an elevator.
Because there are so many "Stairs ========>" signs that we could build a fort, but following a damn arrow is waaaaay too complicated for the general public.
I'm still trying to figure out if the benefit of a broken escalator equaling cute boys outweighs my serious desire to throttle someone by the day's end.
H just had to turn to the bottle, the poor girl. Guess that's what she gets for being a lez*.
*her words, not mine. chill.
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