
Okay, first of all. THIS happened again. I just...this girl walked up to me while I was on the phone with someone calling from another store. And this girl just started talking to me, and then SNAPPED HER FINGERS at me when I didn't talk to her. Since, you know, I haven't yet developed the ability to similtaneously listen to a person on the phone, type on the computer, and answer the question of someone else. If you walk up to a person on the phone, you wait quietly until she is finished. Don't try to interrupt. That's just not very nice.

This other woman asked me for a couple dollars in quarters. Okay, I get that there are parking meters and sometimes quarters are necessary. But if I gave everyone quarters, I wouldn't have any for myself. And I have better things to do than keep running up to the cash office when we have three banks within fifty yards. Oh, the bank is closed? Then you don't need quarters for the meter, cause that means it's after five. So suck it.
Anyway...this woman. She was buying a book, pulled out cash and said, "I would like $5 in quarters as well." Okay, totally don't have that many quarters. Just, no.
"I can give you four."
She then hands me a credit card. "I can actually only give you change if you pay in cash. A card doesn't open the drawer."
She looks at me. "What?"
"The drawer is locked without a cash purchase. I can't give out change if you're using a card."
"I don't believe you."
Oh, you don't? Now, why ON EARTH would a store with a multi-million dollar inventory have registers that any person can open? I mean, it's a security issue. It makes sense. And although many of us have keys that can access the register, we just have a blanket policy about change. The less the money is being fiddled around with, the less chance for human error. And also? I AM NOT A BANK.
So I give the standard answer:
"There are three banks across the street! They are HAPPY to give quarters out. We unfortunately don't have the ability to keep up with that demand."
The woman sneers at me and walks away.
Yeah, it's annoying. I've been in her situation before. So I went into a store, grabbed a pack of gum, and paid in cash. I then politely asked the clerk for a dollar in quarters. Not so hard.
She could have done that.
And no, walking away from me to a different register or to the cafe is not going to solve your problem. Same store. Same policies. Different person. Different person who is also going to wring your neck.

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