Fried Pickles.

Ever had them? So. Delicious. My boss loves them, and as he's now going to be travelling across the river to his bigger and better job, we had a going-away party for him at the one place around with fried pickles. And also? ANY OTHER BAD FOOD. EVER. I think I ate nachos, cheese bread, artichoke dip, and then more nachos. (looooooove nachos.)

It was a great time and nice to hang out with my co-workers outside the bookstore. And we didn't even talk that much about work! (Probably because those apps? Keeping our mouths full.)

I'll seriously miss my boss, but you better believe we'll be coercing him into visiting us on a regular basis. We do have the best trade department.

(And fried pickles.)

(And Corny's, for that matter.)

(And parking spaces.)

(And the best workers.)

(And Bertucci's, cause you know you'll miss it.)

(And recapping + ordering. Who else does recapping? And who else can condense those two into one task?)

(And after-work gossip hour when I'm supposed to be at home but somehow end up in the office for an hour, bitching about the freak-shows we deal with.)

(And BL. Purple gloves man. And the rest of the crazy cast of characters we deal with daily.)

(And ten, yes TEN, escalators.)

But basically, fried pickles. They're really fab.

We'll miss you!

1 comment:

Eunice Burns said...

I know where you went for apps! I miss that place!!