I grind my teeth while I sleep. I have to wear a lovely little plastic bit now because I was waking up with massive headaches and weirdly shaped incisors.
I have noticed that this has become a problem outside of sleep. The sleep thing, I obviously can't control. I shouldn't gnash my teeth together while I'm finding books for people.
However? If I'm working with someone and you interrupt me to ask for "The DaVinci Code" and when I say, "It's under Brown. Authors are listed alphabetically by their last name" and you still can't find it because "B" is MUCH too hard a letter to figure out in the alphabet, I WILL be irritated.
And this just might, maybe, cause me to grind my teeth. Cause if you come back and interrupt AGAIN (did any of these people go to kindergarten????)--then I will kindly point out that you must wait your turn. I gave you a pass the first time, but if you need me to walk you through the ABCs, you're going to have to wait.
If you even try to tell me, "This is too confusing," I don't even know how to put a positive spin on that. Yes, some of our store policies are confusing. Yes, it's hard that we have three different floors. But seriously? All the fiction is together. BY AUTHOR'S LAST NAME. as i said. No, it's not by title, because it would be FRAKKING stupid if we couldn't find Hemingway or Fitzgerald all together, no? THE ALPHABET IS NOT A CYPHER. good god.
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