
I really like it. My desk should have everything at a 90 degree angle. I can't eat dinner if the table is messy. My apartment is not, by any means, neat. But I have things that bother me, and clutter is one. My bedroom is a clutter hog, mostly because I only sleep in there and so ignore the piles of papers as I sleepily stumble to bed.

My "living" space, however? Not having it. I've been rearranging my apartment, trying to figure out how things work. I was inspired to try something new when our carpets were reinstalled and I HATED THE WAY MY (MY MY MY--NO ONE ELSE IS AT THIS DESK ALL DAY) DESK WAS ARRANGED.

I stated that I hated it when I walked in--of course on the day I closed, so it was arranged when I arrived.

I hate it now.

The phones are placed in impossible areas.

We bump into each other constantly.

Can't do my job. Angry.

WHY does my opinion not count? How am I supposed to take my job seriously when the place I spend EIGHT hours a day at is altered without my say?

This is fucking ridiculous.

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