
Okay, friends, today we're going to discuss a new topic.
It's called, "How a store makes money."

Scenario 1:
There's this lady that comes in. A lot. And we hate her. You know why we hate her? She thinks that every. single. book. on display in a prominent place means it should be discounted. When I see her come in, I know the majority of the next hour is going to be spent like this:
" much is this book?"
I take the book, open it.
"And with the discount?"
"It's not discounted."
Over and over. Hardcover, paperback. Books on tables, books on endcaps. And, if the book happens to actually be discounted, she makes me take it and calculate the exact amount. Which then she always, ALWAYS snarfs and rolls her eyes at.
I can't win with this woman. Haaaaaaaaate.

Situation #2.
"Do you have any discount cards," I say as the girl approaches the register.
"I'm a student."
"I'm sorry, we don't have a student discount."
"You're our university bookstore. That doesn't make sense."
Oh, but it does. It's called CAPTIVE AUDIENCE.
Why would we give a discount to students, who already would come into the store anyway? I know, it's silly, but we're trying to make money. I like my paycheck. I would like to keep that paycheck.
And if everyone got a discount? THAT WOULD BE THE PRICE.
Also? I clearly don't set the store policies. Don't bitch at me. Don't make me tell you that your recieving a discount would be a stupid business move and that your sense of entitlement is ridiculous.
And also? You're carrying a $600 bag. I'm not giving you 10% off your $14 book? Boo. Hoo. Spare me the eye-roll and let me get back to my ordering.
I like ordering. Books don't yell.

Try #3:
"Do you have any discount cards?"
I ring in the purchase.
"Oh wait? Um, I have this card?"
I think she's talking about our store discount card. I inwardly sigh, because this needs to be entered at the beginning of the purchase.
But wait, different, and new! situation.
"I work at this club down the street? And we get a discount. It's a perk card."
She hands me a random card I've never seen. On the back are a list of businesses. Ours isn't there.
"I'm sorry, I've never seen this before. And it doesn't have our business on it."
She suddenly gets bitchy.
"It's on the form. We get a discount here."
I suddenly remember this girl, who I haven't really looked at until now. This isn't the first run-in we've had. She is always, always on the phone (she is now) and she has a Sidekick, which I've always been intrigued by because Veronica Mars has one and it looks cool. The thing is, one time she came to check out and, when I started asking her the standard, "Did you find everything okay, do you have any discount cards," SHE SHUSHED ME. If you're having a phone conversation that might involve shushing someone, either have it in private or DO NOT approach another person. So rude. But I shushed.
This time I stand up to her.
"I'm not familiar with this card. We're not listed on the back. I'm not giving you a discount."
"Well, I'll just bring back the paper and prove it to you, cause you're wrong." She's challenging me, thinking I'll back down.
"$25.95," I say.
She hands me her card but mutters, "You'll see."
Bring. it. on.

I'm so sick of discounts and discount cards and membership programs. What happened to people just paying? Isn't that why it's there, the price? Just pay.
So you will leave me alone.

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