
Oh dear god. Today we added an extra gondola to the end of the Ns. So then we had to shift EVERYTHING. This is the third time this year that we have physically moved every. single. book. in fiction. BUT halfway through the day Harvard sent us an additional gondola, so tomorrow we have to shift everything again.
My arms hurt.
My shoulders hurt.
My knees hurt.

But. Assembling shelves apparently is my gift. We had a lot of issues--nothing would line up, shelves would get stuck, and Han would quietly whine, "Biiiiiird," and I'd magically get the jammed shelf to budge. Or a wobbly shelf to stay still. And that? Is so much harder than you ever would imagine.

And we got to wear jeans. And I didn't have to be at the register. And that? Is a good day.

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