What's a girl to do?

Okay, I'm just going to say it.


Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate.

I know, I know. It releases endorphins. I'd tone my body. It's good for the mind.
Still? Haaaaaaaaaate.

I was quite the athlete back in the day. I was never the best--I left that to my sister--but I worked hard. Field hockey overlapped with winter swimming which overlapped with tennis which overlapped with summer swimming which (are you getting the pattern?) overlapped with field hockey.

I kept swimming and playing tennis through my first two years of college, managing to avoid the freshman 15 while still playing my two favorite sports.

And then came that fateful year abroad. I'm actually not still clear if my British uni even had a gym, although the school was home to four pubs and a nightclub. I blame my current state partially on my diet of Carling, chips (which are NOT french fries, but a glorious crunchy potato-y mass of good-ness), and deep-fried veggie burgers (that's how they cook them! it wasn't by choice!). Greens aren't readily available in the mother country--at least not to university students on a secluded campus--and my whole body was seriously thrown off by the extreme change in diet and exercise.

When I returned home, I jumped right back into salads and vegetables and all things not from a can, but I never regained my enthusiasm for exercise. It's just...it's not that the act takes too much time. But getting to a gym takes a good 40 minutes round-trip. And getting to a gym with a pool? An hour at least. And if I've just walked 30 minutes to get to the gym, I want to sit down and check my email, not swim for an hour, much less use my meager salary to pay for this opportunity. Merge this with the standing for eight f-ing hours a day and you've got a very uninterested Kate.

That said, I need to do something. My knees are crappy. I hate running. And I refuse to give up cheese.

Oh god. If you read this and had never seen me, I can't even imagine the mental image. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I think that burned 30 calories. Combined with chasing after Charlie I must have burned about 100. And it's trash night, which means cleaning! I'm soooo in the clear.

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